Event Information
Sample Event
Join us on sample date
Join us on sample date
Please provide following details to be published in the cookbook.
1. Your name (first, last)
2. City/State you are residing in
3. Your relationship to CF (eg. CF physician, therapist, nurse, dietician, etc.)
4. Your CF-healthy recipe name
5. Your recipe's close-up clear photos (1-2)
6. Recipe Category - (Breakfast, Snack, Main Dish - Veg, Main Dish - Non Veg, Side Dish, Dessert, Beverage)
7. Name of the main healthy ingredient used in the recipe.
8. List and measurements of all ingredients.
9. Number of servings.
10. Directions/steps for Cooking.
1. Your name (first, last)
2. City/State you are residing in
3. Your relationship to CF (eg. CF physician, therapist, nurse, dietician, etc.)
4. Your CF-healthy recipe name
5. Your recipe's close-up clear photos (1-2)
6. Recipe Category - (Breakfast, Snack, Main Dish - Veg, Main Dish - Non Veg, Side Dish, Dessert, Beverage)
7. Name of the main healthy ingredient used in the recipe.
8. List and measurements of all ingredients.
9. Number of servings.
10. Directions/steps for Cooking.
Please email the above details at eat.healthy.for.cf@gmail.com
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