Tiles for a Cure

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Tiles for a Cure
presented by RichMahj and Perennial Threads

Event Info

Date: April 1-30 - Tiles for a Cure mahjong play and
May 5 - Cinco de Mahj-O Party

Location: Your home, or other location (April 1-30) and
Blue Bee Cider (4811 Bethlehem Road) - Cinco de Mahj-O party (May 5)

Contact: Genevieve Alley or Sara Sloman, TilesforaCure@gmail.com

TILES FOR A CURE is a two-part fundraiser: (1) mahjong play in the month of April and (2) celebration of mahjong hosts, players and non-player, CFF supporters at a Cinco de Mahj-O party at Blue Bee Cider on 5/5 to help the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation forward their mission to find a cure for all people with cystic fibrosis. 

Part One:
Tiles for a Cure hosts will invite players for mahjong game play (one table or more!) at their homes or location of their choosing for any dates in April. Hosts will receive a Mahj Party Pack and score cards. Scores must be turned in by May 1st. An Oh My Mahjong travel mahjong set is up for grabs. Prizes will be awarded to the top scoring players at the Cinco de Mahj-O party.

Part Two: Hosts, players and non-player, CFF supporters are invited to a "Cinco de Mahj-O" celebration on May 5th at Blue Bee Cider from 6 to 9 pm (drinks, light food and open mahjong play will be available). 

Tickets for Parts One + Two:

  • Mahjong Host ticket- $100 (includes Mahj party pack, score cards and entry + 2 drink tickets for Cinco de Mahj-O party)
  • Mahjong Player ticket- $50 (includes mahjong play at your Host's party and entry + 1 drink ticket for Cinco de Mahj-O party)
  • Mahjong hosts and players have the opportunity to win awards based on highest scores; must be present at Cinco de Mahj-O party to receive the awards.
  • Additional donation to CFF to support the research to find a cure for CF

Tickets for Part Two only:

  • Non-Player, CFF Supporter - $30 (includes entry + 1 drink ticket for Cinco de Mahj-O party)
  • Additional donation to CFF to support the research to find a cure for CF

The Cystic Fibrosis Foundation has fueled dramatic improvements in cystic fibrosis research and care. Because of the Foundation, people with CF are living longer and healthier lives.  The outlook for people with CF continues to improve year after year.

Thank you in advance for your support and participation to this event, you are helping to make a difference for people living with CF.